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Poetry and More by Louise Goodwin

Category: Poetry and writing

I have been scribbling thoughts and rhymes ever since I was a little girl. These would be silly poems and little songs. I remember how I would dress up in my mother’s ‘fancy’ clothes and act or sing out my little songs in front of her mirror – when no one was around. Sometimes with my younger sister, together we would perform mini concerts for our parents.

A couple of these earlier rhyming attempts I have kept and they are fun for me to reminisce upon. Silly but a load of fun wrapped up in some special memories.

My writing took a back seat while I grew into an adult and began a family and pursued my nursing career. From time to time I would write thoughts down on paper and these were always via poetry as I found this the perfect medium for me to express my thoughts and emotions. Largely though it is through the feelings of despair, sadness and anger that I write. I am not a dark person by any means – most people find me very cheerful and fun to be around, but I don’t tend to write from the happy. But I am trying!



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South Australia



 Poetry and More by Louise Goodwin  

  By appointment


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Poetry and More by Louise Goodwin