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ORB Lawyers

Category: Lawyers and Legal Advisors

At ORB Lawyers, we are one of the leading family lawyers in Adelaide and specialize in helping clients navigate the legal complexities of family law. This includes divorce, child custody, property division, and other related issues. Our lawyers are trained to provide clients with guidance and support throughout the legal process and can help to ensure that their rights and interests are protected.

On the other hand, we are experienced and qualified criminal lawyers in Adelaide. We specialize in representing clients who have been charged with a crime. We can help to ensure that clients understand the charges against them, and can provide guidance and support throughout the criminal justice process.

Check out our other services:

Property Settlement Lawyer in Adelaide
Wills Lawyer in Adelaide
Divorce Lawyer in Adelaide
Child Custody Lawyer in Adelaide
Probate Lawyer in Adelaide
Our team at ORB Lawyers provides sound, affordable, general and targeted legal advice that protects our client’s rights. Our aim is always to assist our clients to achieve the best outcome in the circumstances of their case.

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Area of operation:



 ORB Lawyers  


  9am-5pm - Mn-Fr
   4/24 Beach Road
SA 5165


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ORB Lawyers