Views: 103



Category: Psychological

MetaMind® is a programme of: psychological services, including, psychotherapy, psychological training and mentoring, for holistic Mind re-programming which usurps CBT, intended to aid individuals to improve their: thinking, attitudes, perspective, health and wellness (treatment of depression, stress management) happiness and performance with a view to, not only surviving, but also thriving, “The Quickening”. The Quickening being the continually increasing: demands, challenges, changes, complexities and uncertainties of life. The objects are to reduce stress whilst increasing: health, wellness, happiness, performance, success and hopefully prosperity. MetaMind, Based in Canberra, A,C,T. (Australian Capital Territory.), 61 (0)414 752 808,,


Area of operation:
Based in Canberra, A,C,T. (Australian Capital Territory.),2607




   Based in Canberra, A,C,T. (Australian Capital Territory.),2607
Australia ACT 2607


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