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Road Safety Adelaide

Category: Business Services

Road Safety Adelaide specializes in the supply and installation of high-quality safety products. We are pleased to offer you a great Australian made range.

Road Safety Adelaide is a 100% Australian owned family business and we can deliver high-quality products throughout Australia at the best prices as we cut out the middle man.

We are installers of ET-SS the next generation of guardrail end terminal and is compliant with Test Level 3. DPTI Approved.

The MASH testing standard uses heavier vehicles and a wider range of impact angles for terminal testing, including 5˚ and 25˚ impacts.

Our road safety barrier terminals are manufactured to Australian and International standards and our commitment is towards the promotion of road safety barrier end terminals crash-tested in accordance with MASH 16.

Road Safety Adelaide places a high value on maintaining our excellent reputation and building upon our business relationships.

We aim not only to exceed client expectation but to be one of the most highly regarded guardrail and handrail installer contractors in South Australia.

We pride ourselves on the competency of our workforce, ensuring we consistently put together teams with the right skills mix to deliver projects on time, with continuity of work, within budget and safely.

We also believe our teams should be a pleasure for our clients to engage with.


Area of operation:
All Australia



 Road Safety Adelaide  


  By appointment
   18 Sunbeam Road
Glynde SA 5070


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Road Safety Adelaide